梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议

“作为一个非裔美国人, 我深深感受到每一次打击, 每个膝盖到脖子, each bullet that has extinguished the lives of my fellow brothers and sisters. I have spent my professional life trying to understand the sources of that violence and developing policies and 项目 to address it.”

梅尔文·L. 奥利弗,2020年5月30日

Continuing acts of racialized violence and the mobilization efforts by the Black Lives Matter movement and its allies to fight for racial justice provide an important backdrop for scholars and students to analyze this unique moment in time. In an effort to support productive discussion, analysis, and activism, the 梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义 倡议 provides funds for three primary prongs: curricular transformation, 课外学习转换, 结构转型. 在一起, 这些都是为了加深学生的理解, 工作人员, and faculty knowledge and action around racialized violence.

Under the leadership of Associate Dean of 教师 Adrian Pantoja and the initiative’s organizing committee, 梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议 aims to embed the study of racial justice throughout every aspect of the Pitzer educational experience.

Pitzer总裁梅尔文L. 奥利弗,他是这本开创性的书的合著者 Black Wealth/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality他于2020年发起了种族正义倡议(RJI). After President 奥利弗 announced that he would retire at the end of June 2022, RJI更名为梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议 to honor 奥利弗’s tenure as the sixth president of Pitzer College, 他为争取公平和反对不公正而斗争, and his 45-year career in higher education and philanthropy.

如果你愿意支持梅尔文·L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议,请访问 Pitzer学院的捐赠页面.



梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议杰出演讲

A discussion on the 2022 midterm elections and broader issues around multiracial coalitions and diversity in the electorate.

梅尔文L. 奥利弗 种族正义倡议杰出演讲

迪尔德丽·库珀·欧文斯 is a proud graduate of two historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), the all-women’s Bennett College and Clark Atlanta University. 她获得了博士学位.D in 历史 at UCLA and has had a number of prestigious fellowships at the University of Virginia, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 并获得十大学术领袖奖. 作为美国最受赞誉的“美国医学专家”之一.S. 历史,据《全球十大赌钱软件app》杂志报道, Copper Owens is steadily working towards making 历史 more accessible and inspiring for all.

Talk: Post-Detention Experiences of Central American Asylum Seekers in the United States

与塞西莉亚的虚拟对话Menjívar, UCLA professor of sociology and American Sociology Association president


塞西莉亚教授Menjívar持有多萝西L. Meier Social Equities Chair and is a professor of sociology at UCLA. 她专门研究移民问题, 性别, 家庭动力学, 社交网络, 以及对暴力的广义概念. 她撰写并编辑了多本书, including Fragmented Ties: Salvadoran Immigrant Networks in America. 约翰?. 古根海姆研究员和安德鲁·卡内基研究员, she is currently president of the American Sociological Association.

这次虚拟演讲是梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议’s fall 2021 speaker series. Register now or watch via live stream on Pitzer’s social media platforms.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 Pitzer Professor and Associate Dean Adrian Pantoja at (电子邮件保护)

梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议 Speaker Series: Environmental Justice in Indian Country

A virtual talk with educator and author 蒂娜Gilio-Whitaker


蒂娜Gilio-Whitaker (Colville Confederated Tribes) is a lecturer of American Indian Studies at California State University San Marcos and an independent educator in American Indian environmental policy and other issues. She is the author of two books, including the award-winning As Long As Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice from Colonization to Standing Rock

这次虚拟演讲是梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议’s fall 2021 speaker series, which is moderated by Pitzer Professor and Associate Dean Adrian Pantoja. 由总统梅尔文L. 奥利弗,Pitzer学院 种族正义倡议 aims to address the underlying causes of injustice, inequity, and racial violence. 梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议 Speaker Series is part of the College’s efforts to infuse racial justice throughout Pitzer’s academic and campus life while examining the College’s own policies and practices and exploring how Pitzer can be a broader agent of change.

如果你错过了第一次秋季演讲, “Politics of Belonging and Exclusion: Orientalism and Racialization of Arabs and Muslims in the U.S.“有了卡拉姆·达纳,你就可以了 现在就点播吧

欲了解更多信息,请联系 (电子邮件保护).


梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议 Speaker Series: Politics of Belonging and Exclusion


卡拉姆反对达纳 is the Alyson McGregor Distinguished Professor of Excellence and Transformative Research and Associate Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at the University of Washington Bothell. The founding director of the American Muslim Research Institute, Dana is one of the earliest scholars of Islam and Muslims in the US.

一部分的梅尔文L. 奥利弗种族正义倡议 speaker series, this is the first event of the fall 2021 semester.